APT Business Services

Knowledge Process Outsourcing

At APT Business Services, our experts aren’t simply there to make up the numbers in an organisation. They’re ready to inject their knowledge and expertise into your business. They’re highly skilled and specialised professionals.  

This style of outsourcing is called Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO).  

Knowledge Process Outsourcing is when the outsourced worker has specific technical skills adept to the position. As the worker/s are specialised in the required area, they then are able to impart their knowledge to the tasks at hand. It is different to other styles of outsourcing such as Business Process Outsourcing (outsourcing a function/process), which typically feature more administrative or repetitive tasks.  

Utilising Knowledge Process Outsourcing is a highly effective way for companies to obtain specialist help for a fraction of the onshore cost. It’s not always about cutting costs, it can help businesses who want to take the next step in growth or improve their productivity/output.  

KPOs work with companies to help meet customer demands, provide operational efficiency, and help create customised solutions that generally improve the way the business is run. E.g., reduce design-to-market lead time, provide competitor research, or help manage rapidly evolving business scenarios. 

In the APT setting, our KPO experts are closely trained in their new company’s environment. The onboarding process ensures that they can impart as much of their knowledge to your business as possible. By understanding your business, they can then properly analyse information, suggest alternatives, elevate ideas, and execute what you require to gold standard. 

Our experts are carefully paired with your business to achieve the best possible result. In KPO work, this can be through the following fields: 

  • Legal Process
  • IT Services 
  • Management Reporting & Data Analytics
  • Property & Strata Management
  • Payroll
  • Bookkeeping
  • Taxation 
  • Software Development
  • Self-Managed Super Funds

There is tremendous upside to using a KPO in your business. While cost saving in a major factor, you’re also able to benefit from having a new, highly skilled and specialised employee. They will be able to help drive positive results through their own expertise, allowing for employees to focus their time and own expertise on their areas more greatly.  

At APT, all of our workers have a Bachelor’s degree as a minimum. In skilled KPO roles, their resume typically consists of an accreditation such as: 

  • Chartered Accountants 
  • CPAs (US and Australia) 
  • ACCA (UK) 
  • Masters Degrees in Business Administration, Accounting, Finance 
  • Law degree 

We also have staff that have work experience from Australia, US, and the UK. If you would like to find out how our KPOs could help positively impact your business, get in touch! 

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Level 3/270 Adelaide St,
Brisbane City QLD 4000

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